Safe and Efficient way to Rehabilitate Your Body.



Pilates is known for being one of the safest & most efficient ways to stretch, strengthen and rehabilitate your body, without building bulk or stressing your joints.

Clinical Pilates classes at Baily Point Physiotherapy are led by our specially trained physiotherapists who will guide & adjust sessions specific to individual needs & physical ability.

At Baily Point Physiotherapy we offer two types of Clinical Pilates classes:-

  • Small groups mat classes. Your pilates instructor will guide you safely through a series of exercises and movements targeted at strengthening, mobilising and conditioning the whole body.
  • Semi-private Equipment Classes. These classes take place in a private room within the clinic with no more than three participants in any one class. These physiotherapist led classes use matwork and pilates equipment including the reformer bed and the trapeze table using resistance to help improve your body’s strength, balance, mobility and flexibility. Your programme is individually tailored to suit your personal goals, previous injuries, pain & ability level.

Suitable for all ages & ability levels

Beginner & advanced options available

Eligible for medical insurance & income tax reimbursement.

Release your potential

Book Your Appointment with us Today

Book An Appointment Today

You can book an appointment online or by ringing our reception.
Liz or Evelyn are always happy to help if you have any questions.