Children like adults can suffer from back pain. This can be caused by a combination of poor posture, inappropriate school bags, heavy books and prolonged sitting.

Exam time can be stressful. Many students suffer from neck, low back and shoulder pain during their preparation for their exams. The good news is that this is treatable.


The physiotherapist will perform a detailed & thorough assessment to examine:

  • Spinal painfree ranges of motion
  • Muscle strength
  • Muscle length and joint stiffness
  • Sitting posture
  • Desk set up
  • School bag choice and weight
  • Study period length.
  • Activity questionnaire to identify work/rest/leisure life imbalances


Following the assessment the student will be given a program including:

  • Strengthening Exercises to address any muscle weakness
  • Stretching exercises to address muscle shortness and increase mobility in stiff joints
  • Ergonomic advice to ensure good posture during prolonged activities
  • Equipment recommendations such as ideal screen, desk, and chair height
  • Advice on school bag choice and avoiding excessive bag weight

Advice on the importance of hydration, nutrition, relaxation & exercise to optimise study techniques


The student will have two follow up sessions to address any residual issues affecting stiffness & pain of the neck, mid back and low back and any associated muscle tightness & spasm.

What are the benefits of Exam Fit Programme?

  • Reduce spinal pain & stiffness
  • Less tension & stress
  • Improve examination performance
  • Learn mastery coping techniques for the future
  • Improved desk-based & sitting posture.
  • Create work/rest/play life balance during stressful events in the future
  • Optimise exam results

Contact Clinic for More Information

Book An Appointment Today

You can book an appointment online or by ringing our reception.
Liz or Evelyn are always happy to help if you have any questions.